to know what blood pressure is? Find out how high blood pressure can affect
your heart and what you can do to manage it.

blood pressure is constantly changing as your heart pushes and relaxes. Having
high blood pressure (hypertension) means that your blood is moving through your
blood vessels with extra force. Over time this can lead to damaged arteries and
increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. It can also damage organs like
the eyes, kidneys, and brain.
When do I need to do something about my high blood pressure?
single high blood pressure reading does not necessarily mean that you have high
blood pressure. It is normal for your blood pressure to rise and fall during
the day. It increases during physical activity or when you are excited, angry
or afraid and these are usually short-lived episodes.
are usually considered to have high blood pressure if your blood pressure stays
high for three separate readings, over at least three months.
find out if you need to do something about your blood pressure levels, visit
your doctor and have a heart and diabetes check. In your heart and diabetes
check, your doctor, nurse or health professional will discuss your ideal blood
pressure, taking into account your overall risk of having a heart attack or
What is a safe blood pressure for me?
is difficult to give an example of a high blood pressure reading, because it
depends on the individual. The level of blood pressure that is 'high' for you depend
on lots of different factors and your overall risk of heart attack or stroke.
Generally, the lower your blood pressure, the better. If you have a history of
heart disease, diabetes or a high risk of heart attack or stroke, it's
recommended you lower your blood pressure to less than 130/80, Medicine For High Blood Pressure.
High blood pressure symptoms

blood pressure is often called the ‘silent killer’, because, for most people,
there are no symptoms. This means many people are unaware they have high blood
pressure, which can put them at risk of heart disease.
only way to find out if your blood pressure is high is to have it checked. Ask
your doctor or nurse how often you should have your blood pressure checked, and
encourage your family/whānau to have theirs checked too.
What causes high blood pressure?
blood pressure often runs in families. Sometimes kidney or glandular disease
may be responsible. However, eating too much salt, drinking too much alcohol,
being overweight, and not moving around enough each day, can also contribute to
high blood pressure and heart disease.
What can I do to lower my blood pressure?
high blood pressure is responsible for many cases of death and disability
resulting from heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.
Care lotion by Vidza RiseHigh-Vedistan provide natural treatment to human body to reduce
constriction of vessels and improve blood flow across the body to prevent HBP.
ayurvedic medicine for high blood pressure (HBP Care lotion) to reduce
hypertension has a set of natural ingredients such as Arjuna myrobalan,
Withania somnifera, Bacopa monnieri, Convolvulus pluricaulis, etc. These herbs
work as neuro relaxants. The photo ingredients help in reducing depression that
in many cases is directly linked to the condition of high BP, even though,
depression is still not considered to be a factor for HBP by the conventional
system of medicine.
Where to get your HBP Care lotion- The Ayurvedic Medicine For High Blood Pressure?
here to get HBP Care online directly from us or one can order offline at:
Rise High Private Limited
1844-659-1635 (USA), +91 8527 - 122 – 149
Email: info@vidzarisehigh.com