Ayurvedic Medicine For Diabetes

7 Best Natural Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes

Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes: Having diabetes means you have too much sugar—called glucose—in your blood. If untreated, diabetes can harm the body, particularly the heart and vascular system. In fact, people with diabetes are 2-4 times more likely to have heart disease or suffer a stroke than those who don’t have the disease. Experts say this risk is even greater for women with diabetes.

Diabetes can lead to heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, blindness, dental disease, amputations, and other serious health problems. And the longer you have high levels of blood glucose traveling around your body, the more likely you are to have problems.

If you have diabetes, the best thing you can do is learn about how to manage your condition and prevent problems.

7 Best Natural Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes

About  Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes

Diabetes develops when the body either:
  • Does not make enough insulin or
  • Is unable to use insulin properly (called insulin resistance, generally the result of being overweight, not exercising and eating a poor diet, which can lead to metabolic syndrome) or
  • Both

Insulin is a hormone that is usually made in the pancreas. It helps your body use the sugars that are in the foods we eat. Glucose gives your body energy, and insulin helps carry glucose to your cells.
If the body doesn’t make or use insulin well, glucose builds up in the blood instead of being absorbed by cells in the body. The body’s cells are then starved of energy, despite high blood glucose levels.

Am I at Risk?

Several things can make someone more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. For example:

  • Being overweight or obese—the more weight you carry, especially around your midsection, typically the more resistant your body is to insulin
  • Having high blood pressure generally or during pregnancy (called preeclampsia)
  • Eating an unhealthy diet that is high in fat, calories, cholesterol and processed food
  • Not exercising regularly
  • Being older than 45, although it can occur in younger people
  • Having a parent, brother or sister who has diabetes
If you are a woman, a few more factors can increase your risk:
  • Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes
  • Up to 3 out of 5 women who had this during pregnancy will go on to develop diabetes within 15 years
  • Giving birth to a baby that weighed more than 9 pounds
  • Having polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes at Vidza RiseHigh-Vedistan:

For the first time in medical history, a therapeutic lotion "Madhubairi lotion" has been prepared by integrating Ancient Ayurvedic medicinal herbs with Yogi JagadGuru Shri Santoshi Baba's wisdom to lower the blood sugar levels effectively. As the name suggests Madhu (honey or in medical science, we may refer to as sugar) Bairi (a power who takes away all your pain and clears out the obstacles). Similarly, MadhuBairi Lotion has proven records of controlling Diabetes collected through clinical trials. Results are visible after 5 days of usage. Lifetime boon for diabetic patients from Vedistan.

Where to get Madhubairi?

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Vidza Rise High Private Limited s
Phone: 1844-659-1635 (USA), +91 8527 - 122 – 149
Email: info@vidzarisehigh.com

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